Hi Everyone!
Just want to throw out 2 important facts that many people don’t know. As a pharmacist and functional medicine practitioner, I see it every day when people approach me, complaining of certain ailments, aches, pains, lack of energy, lack of libido. You name it, I’ll back it up with facts!
I will also tell you that I might not think like your average pharmacist! I want everyone to take the steps necessary to be healthy and achieve their wellness goals so that they can avoid taking as little possible drugs behind the counter to achieve that wellness!
1. The Truth: Your body is a direct result of what you put in it.
There are the things you allow and control- nutrients, vitamins, supplements, prescriptions medications, healthy food, junk food, (if you are me on a bad day, Twizzlers 😂). Then there are the things that we cannot control- genetics, the environment, toxins, or when you come home at 8pm after 11 hours in the pharmacy to a delicious, carb-infested meal prepared by your love.
My point is…there are many things that affect the way we feel and affect any condition or diseases that we may develop. And the truth is we have the power to make healthy choices on the things we CAN control! But let’s face it, people NEED prescription medication for certain things. And that’s ok!
But you really need to consult with your pharmacist or functional medicine practitioner before starting any new medications.
I stress this, because along with the good things that a medication helps with, each medication affects you negatively too. Life is a balance….your body is a balance…so there are certain things that you need to be aware of, and supplements that you should ABSOLUTELY be taking while on certain medications!! (Or things you should avoid for that matter!) Do you take things with or without food? Are you allowed in the sun? Is it using essential nutrients for metabolism?It’s always good to ask!
2. Watch your product source!
Remember we talked about this yesterday in my video. Believe it or not, we get what we pay for, in really every aspect of life. I mean, have you ever bought a roll of paper towels from the dollar store? You might as well wipe that spill up with your hand! However, in all seriousness, when it comes to vitamins and supplements they are a big concern of mine for the consumer. Just because you are getting something for a good price it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. And the truth is, most of these products aren’t regulated by anybody and they don’t even necessarily contain what the label says is in them.
I can help you select the right supplements based on your medication regimen, and even lab results, and also to help select the best quality brands that are going to benefit your health and wellness!
Have a beautiful day!